The use of shotcrete is a valid and very effective solution where there is a need for a quick reinforcement action.
Shortcrete, is a mixture of cement which, through a wheeled pump and a compressed air lance, is sprayed at high speed on a wall.
The cement mixture includes setting additives which give the compound an instant adhesion capacity and also act as hyperplasticizers, accelerators, waterproofers.
This mode is often used for:
- restore concrete constructions
- protect foundation excavations
- consolidate embankments and slopes
- build ceilings and walls behind pipes
- consolidate damaged walls
- lining tunnels (even in the presence of water)
- avoid falling material in site excavations.
Our equipment
Accessorio che può essere applicato su escavatori da 15 a 150, senza l'ausilio di altri componenti e pronto all'uso.
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